The create PI API and SDK will be used to collect a payment.
curl --location '<>' \\
--header 'x-api-key: {{x-api-key}}' \\
--header 'x-account-id: {{x-account-id}}' \\
--header 'x-signature: {{x-signature}}' \\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
--data '{
"amount": 10,
"currency": "PKR",
"payment_method_types": "card",
"customer": {
"name": "",
"email": "",
"phone": ""
"shipping": {
"address1": "",
"city": "",
"country": "", // complete country name
"province": "",
"zip": ""
"metadata": {
"order_reference": ""
"gateway_instance_id": "" // get from gateways in the settings
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { PaymentElement, useXpay } from '@xstak/xpay-element';
export const Payment = () => {
const options = {
override: true,
fields: {
creditCard: {
placeholder: "4234 1234 1234 1234",
label: "Enter your credit card",
exp: {
placeholder: "Exp. Date",
style: {
".input": {
"border": "1px solid black",
"border-radius": "15px"
".invalid": {},
".label": {
"font-size": "18px"
":focus": {},
":hover": {},
"::placeholder": {},
"::selection": {},
const xpay = useXpay();
const pay = async() => {
const { message, error } = await xpay.confirmPayment("card", payment_intent.client_secret, customer = {name: ‘Dane Joe}, payment_intent.encryptionKey);
<PaymentElement options={options} onReady={(event) => {
console.log("ready event", event);
}} />
<Button type="primary" onClick={pay}>
Pay Now
The payment API flow integration remains unchanged, just reason: “token”
to be added in metadata object of Create PI API
metadata: {
"reason": "token"
curl --location -g '{{base_url}}/public/v1/payment/intent/tokenized/payment' \\
--header 'x-api-key: {{x-api-key}}' \\
--header 'x-account-id: {{x-account-id}}' \\
--header 'x-signature: {{x-signature}}' \\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
--data-raw '{
"amount": 10,
"currency": "PKR",
"payment_method_types": "token",
"customer": {
"name": "Guest User",
"email": "[email protected]",
"shipping": {
"address1": "abc",
"city": "Islamabad",
"country": "Pakistan",
"phone": "03415555555",
"zip": "12345",
"shipping_method": "Standard"
"metadata": {
"order_reference": "XX-Order-1"
b. For XPay managed recurring payments, Please refer to subscriptions for this.
XPay supports refunding a captured transaction via API and XAP.
curl --location '<>' \\
--header 'x-api-key: {{x-api-key-sk}}' \\
--header 'x-account-id: {{x-account-id}}' \\
--header 'x-signature: {{signature}}' \\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
--data '{
"payment_intent_id": "",
"refunded_amount": "2",
"reason": "Customer refunded order",
"metadata": {
"order_id": "ref_order_number-911"
<aside> 💡 The merchant will save token id, at least, and other essential data at their end and show when user want to pay with the token.